On June 4, 2022, the National Orphan Train Complex awarded me the Charles Loring Brace award for the historical accuracy within my books. This is truly humbling because, if not for Charles Loring Brace there would not have been a Placing out Program to write about.
Now, I am further honored to be listed on the National Orphan Train Complex Speaker’s Bureau as an approved speaker for my lectures on the Orphan Trains. During my hour-long presentation, I use an integrated PowerPoint to share the history of the Orphan Trains along with reasons there were so many children in need of a home. I also share some of the stories of the children who rode the trains. I am always open to questions after my presentation and will normally have my books available for purchase. Already own a copy? I’ll be happy to sign them as well. |
Sherry incorporates a high end PowerPoint presentation to keep the audience involved. During her presentation, Sherry’s goal is to entertain, enlighten and educate the minds of everyone in attendance. Sherry’s presentations are perfect for Schools, Libraries, Historical Society, Woman’s Groups, Senior Centers, or anyone wishing to discover tidbits of hidden history. The Lecture generally lasts between about an hour. The presentation can be tailored to your event and is followed by a Q & A session and book signing.
The History of the Orphan Trains
Did you know that at one time there were over thirty thousand children of all ages living on the streets in New York City?
Boys and girls as young as four and five, living and working for pennies a day.
In a time before child labor laws, boys and girls worked alongside men and women in factories to help put food on the table.
Oftentimes children had to resort to thievery or join gangs in order to survive.
One man, Charles Loring Brace, made it his life’s mission to help these children. His vision while not perfect, helped to relocate many of New York’s homeless children to rural settings across the county and, by doing so, offered them a life they may not have otherwise seen.
While no one knows the exact number, estimates show over two hundred thousand children were relocated in the seventy-five-year run of the program we now know as the Orphan Trains.
Care to learn more?
#theorphantrains #orphantrain #Orphantrainlecture
Sherry also does author presentations on how a book is created in which she utilizes her own children's books.
What an enjoyable evening was spent listening to Sherry Burton on "The History of the Orphan Train." She held the audience attention with her narration of her power point presentation. Many questions were answered, and she created an interest in reading more on the Orphan Trains! I highly recommend Sherry's presentations.
Carleen Foster Marlette Historical Society Secretary/Treasurer |