Original post Nov. 4, 2011
I saw a post on Facebook recently where a person was laminating on and on about the post she saw on the site. She stated that she comes to Facebook to see pictures and see what the other people have been up to. She further stated that she did not go on there to read all the sad stories or see the drama and she did not care what people have for dinner. She asked people to re-post if they feel the same way. The thing is, this particular person has had her share of sad and drama filled post in recent times.
At first I felt her current post to be a bit hypocritical but then I realized it was her right to post anything she wants. Our first amendment gives us all that right. Sure we have to be mindful of the actual rules of the site and make sure not to use offensive language but then again I myself have seen some words on the site that I do not feel were very appropriate for a public venue.
The thing is it is not really up to one person to govern the site and tell others what they should or should not be posting. In my opinion Facebook is your own personal venue. It is your podium. It is a place for you. A place where you can tell the world how you are feeling, what you are thinking or yes even what you had for breakfast. Will everyone like it? Probably not. Will everyone find the content interesting? Most likely that is also a no but it is not for others to condone. A feeling is just that, a feeling. No one can tell you how you should feel but in the same vain no one can tell me what I should like or find accepting. That is what the delete button is for. Simply click on the little arrow, hide the post and move on. If you really find the person’s post so highly offensive do yourself and yes even them a favor and delete them as a friend because if you find their post so offensive that you have to re-post something yourself to validate your feelings then you probably are not really their friend anyway…
Of course this is only my opinion, my blog, and my right to say what is on my mind.
God Bless American and God Bless freedom of speech…
I saw a post on Facebook recently where a person was laminating on and on about the post she saw on the site. She stated that she comes to Facebook to see pictures and see what the other people have been up to. She further stated that she did not go on there to read all the sad stories or see the drama and she did not care what people have for dinner. She asked people to re-post if they feel the same way. The thing is, this particular person has had her share of sad and drama filled post in recent times.
At first I felt her current post to be a bit hypocritical but then I realized it was her right to post anything she wants. Our first amendment gives us all that right. Sure we have to be mindful of the actual rules of the site and make sure not to use offensive language but then again I myself have seen some words on the site that I do not feel were very appropriate for a public venue.
The thing is it is not really up to one person to govern the site and tell others what they should or should not be posting. In my opinion Facebook is your own personal venue. It is your podium. It is a place for you. A place where you can tell the world how you are feeling, what you are thinking or yes even what you had for breakfast. Will everyone like it? Probably not. Will everyone find the content interesting? Most likely that is also a no but it is not for others to condone. A feeling is just that, a feeling. No one can tell you how you should feel but in the same vain no one can tell me what I should like or find accepting. That is what the delete button is for. Simply click on the little arrow, hide the post and move on. If you really find the person’s post so highly offensive do yourself and yes even them a favor and delete them as a friend because if you find their post so offensive that you have to re-post something yourself to validate your feelings then you probably are not really their friend anyway…
Of course this is only my opinion, my blog, and my right to say what is on my mind.
God Bless American and God Bless freedom of speech…