It seems to me that the newest catchphrase is “bucket
list”.It seems as though everyone I speak to has one. I have even seen several
news posts on Facebook of late referring to bucket lists, so much so that it
made me wonder if I am the only one left that has not made a bucket list of my
own. I had to ask myself, what exactly does one put on a bucket list? I have
been accused of over thinking things and this bucket list problem is no
different, as I worry about what to add to my list. I wonder about the outcome
of reaching the end of your list. Do you keep things simple so you are sure to
achieve everything on your list? If that is the case then what happens when you
reach that last item on your list. Can you add to it or is that the end of the
road for you and your list? I am not sure I want to find out.
In order to prolong things do you reach for the stars and
take the chance of leaving this world with unfinished business?
Could that be worse than accomplishing everything on your list? These are
just a few of the questions that are plaguing me as I contemplate starting a
bucket list of my own. As I sift through the cobwebs in my mind and determine
what things are significant enough for me to add to this very important “to do”
list I would like for you the reader to weigh in and tell me do you have a
bucket list of your own? Did you keep it simple or reach for the stars? Are you
making a valiant attempt to cross off everything on your list or are you
constantly adding to it? Do you keep your bucket list private or do you share it
with others? If so what is the most outlandish thing you have on your list?