The hubby and I have been doing a great bit of driving of late, heading into the city (Port Huron) for some appointments and then driving home again. It is an hour each way in clear weather, much longer if the weather is bad. But we enjoy each other’s company, so that makes the drive tolerable. Conversations vary, but when I am involved in a storyline I like to bounce ideas off him. My PC (Prince Charming) has never been a yes man, so he is quick to point out flaws in a storyline or add thoughts of his own. We toss ideas back and forth like a wrinkled sheet, until the folds even out, and the fabric of the story becomes smooth. Over the last few weeks we have been discussing a story idea that I was given (yes, by my voices) around the time I was writing Tears of Betrayal. The subject matter fascinated me then and has called to me ever since. I was new to writing at the time and wasn’t sure how to bring the story to life, so I pushed it to the back burner. It wasn’t until we started driving to the city a few weeks ago that the idea broke out of its cocoon and started whispering once more. Then, the whispers became murmurs, and now it is speaking clearly and telling me it is next. Well, kind of, as upon discussing this more and more I realize I need a Segway book to take me to the story I wish to tell. It works out well as both stories will take a tremendous amount of research to get them right. While the stories themselves will be fictional, I intend on using real settings and real events in history to tell them. My research partner (PC) has already began pulling newspaper articles for me to pour through and the voices are eagerly filling my head with info for both books. It seems as if adding the aquariums to my office is working, my voices are exceedingly chatty when I’m around water.
Photo is of Miss Gracie (our latest rescue kitty and our new Betta fish, Dexter.
Photo is of Miss Gracie (our latest rescue kitty and our new Betta fish, Dexter.