Original Post Dec. 8, 2011
Our beloved cat Bobby returns to life in my next book, The Scars Between Us. While reading through the story I can see him clearly and it fills my heart with joy. He may be gone from us in real life, but now he will live on forever in the hearts and minds of the readers that get to know this wonderful stubby tailed cat.
I feel that is one of the best things about being a writer. Unlike most jobs where if you do not like something you don’t have a lot of choice, in my job if I don’t like something I get to change it.
With the cat, Mr. Bob I was able to recreate a very important member of our family. Mr. Bob or bobby, as he was known to us, shared our home for fourteen wonderful years, after I rescued him from the SPCA. I briefly described that first meeting in my book. What really happened was I was looking for a kitten and when I first saw him he was nothing like the kitten I was looking for. I had my heart set on a calico, like the one I had owned as a child. So here is this scrawny little grey and white tabby kitten. Nothing unusual, as there were at least a half a dozen kittens with the same coloring that day. But then he turned around and there was his tail. Or at least what was left of it, as it was only a nub. That little tail gave that tinny kitten a very big presence. He was like a little Jimmy Cagney, just a tough little guy that stole my heart with one twitch of the tail. He came home with me that very day and changed our family’s lives forever.
When my daughter was two Bobby woke me, something he never did, and was persistent enough to get me to follow him down the hall to my daughter’s room. When I checked on her I discovered she had a dangerously high fever, something I would not have known if he had not woke me. He and my daughter always had a special bond after that. When she was older she would dress him in her baby clothes and carry him around. He never complained and always tolerated being her living baby. Every night Brandy would fall asleep with Bobby Kitty curled around her head.
Over the years he would patiently lie there while my children and the many children I watched over the years would use him as a pillow. We never had him declawed however I cannot remember any instance where he used his claws to harm any of the children.
At the age of fourteen he developed cancer and we made the difficult decision to have him put to sleep. Bobby may be gone from our lives but he will never leave our hearts. And now as he springs back to life within the pages of The Scars Between Us, I hope you will grow to love him as much as we always have. I have said it before and I will say it again. I love my job and I love getting to spend time with my friends, real or imagined and in this case newly resurrected…
Our beloved cat Bobby returns to life in my next book, The Scars Between Us. While reading through the story I can see him clearly and it fills my heart with joy. He may be gone from us in real life, but now he will live on forever in the hearts and minds of the readers that get to know this wonderful stubby tailed cat.
I feel that is one of the best things about being a writer. Unlike most jobs where if you do not like something you don’t have a lot of choice, in my job if I don’t like something I get to change it.
With the cat, Mr. Bob I was able to recreate a very important member of our family. Mr. Bob or bobby, as he was known to us, shared our home for fourteen wonderful years, after I rescued him from the SPCA. I briefly described that first meeting in my book. What really happened was I was looking for a kitten and when I first saw him he was nothing like the kitten I was looking for. I had my heart set on a calico, like the one I had owned as a child. So here is this scrawny little grey and white tabby kitten. Nothing unusual, as there were at least a half a dozen kittens with the same coloring that day. But then he turned around and there was his tail. Or at least what was left of it, as it was only a nub. That little tail gave that tinny kitten a very big presence. He was like a little Jimmy Cagney, just a tough little guy that stole my heart with one twitch of the tail. He came home with me that very day and changed our family’s lives forever.
When my daughter was two Bobby woke me, something he never did, and was persistent enough to get me to follow him down the hall to my daughter’s room. When I checked on her I discovered she had a dangerously high fever, something I would not have known if he had not woke me. He and my daughter always had a special bond after that. When she was older she would dress him in her baby clothes and carry him around. He never complained and always tolerated being her living baby. Every night Brandy would fall asleep with Bobby Kitty curled around her head.
Over the years he would patiently lie there while my children and the many children I watched over the years would use him as a pillow. We never had him declawed however I cannot remember any instance where he used his claws to harm any of the children.
At the age of fourteen he developed cancer and we made the difficult decision to have him put to sleep. Bobby may be gone from our lives but he will never leave our hearts. And now as he springs back to life within the pages of The Scars Between Us, I hope you will grow to love him as much as we always have. I have said it before and I will say it again. I love my job and I love getting to spend time with my friends, real or imagined and in this case newly resurrected…