Original post July 23rd 2010
I have so many things I love about writing. I love becoming vested with the characters, knowing how they think and how they feel and seeing how they react to certain situations they find themselves in. It’s funny how at times I think a character is going to act a certain way and then they surprise me by going in a totally different direction. My main male lead in the manuscript I am currently working on was having a heart to heart with a secondary male character and the second male actually figured out what the lead male was thinking before I did. I know this might sound confusing as I am the writer I should know what is going to happen, right? However, there have been more times than not in my writing that I do not know what is going to happen until I actually put it on paper. That is why I try not to over plan the book as it changes so much from the outline. For me, I find it is better to just let the story tell me where it wants to go. I have found that I can start out with nothing, no thought or idea, and have ended up with a finished chapter in a short amount of time.
I also really enjoy the feeling of accomplishment when a story comes together. Having someone read my book and tell me they enjoyed it or quoting something in it that they really liked.
I thoroughly enjoy reading and to me writing a book is a hundred times better because you are the very first one who gets to read it. No matter what happens to the book or where it ends up the writer will always have the honor of being first to know the characters, the plot and the ending. No-one can ever take that away from you.
Today’s question was sent to me via e-mail from L.B. of Norfolk Virginia. Thank you. If you have a question you would like answered please e-mail me @ [email protected]
I have so many things I love about writing. I love becoming vested with the characters, knowing how they think and how they feel and seeing how they react to certain situations they find themselves in. It’s funny how at times I think a character is going to act a certain way and then they surprise me by going in a totally different direction. My main male lead in the manuscript I am currently working on was having a heart to heart with a secondary male character and the second male actually figured out what the lead male was thinking before I did. I know this might sound confusing as I am the writer I should know what is going to happen, right? However, there have been more times than not in my writing that I do not know what is going to happen until I actually put it on paper. That is why I try not to over plan the book as it changes so much from the outline. For me, I find it is better to just let the story tell me where it wants to go. I have found that I can start out with nothing, no thought or idea, and have ended up with a finished chapter in a short amount of time.
I also really enjoy the feeling of accomplishment when a story comes together. Having someone read my book and tell me they enjoyed it or quoting something in it that they really liked.
I thoroughly enjoy reading and to me writing a book is a hundred times better because you are the very first one who gets to read it. No matter what happens to the book or where it ends up the writer will always have the honor of being first to know the characters, the plot and the ending. No-one can ever take that away from you.
Today’s question was sent to me via e-mail from L.B. of Norfolk Virginia. Thank you. If you have a question you would like answered please e-mail me @ [email protected]